Thursday, 29 November 2012

December Wish List

I've got my mum coming up to see me this weekend and were definitely going to get some serious Christmas shopping done!.. but that doesn't mean we wont treat ourselves to a few things...
Thought you might like to see my December Wish List!

1. Nars Laguna Bronzer £25 - I've never even tried it worth the hype??
2. MAC Woodwinked Eye-shadow £12 - I'm not coming home without this!
3. River Island Waterfall Jacket £55 - Its been on my list for ages..shall i just buy it or wait for Santa?
4. Mac Face & Body £20.50 - I've always been loyal to Studio Fix Fluid..time for a change?
5. Lauren's Way Fake Tan £12-£20 - I love this stuff. Blog post on it coming soon.
6. The Treachery of Beautiful Things - I need a book to read desperately & this looks amazing.

If your a book worm like me and you haven't already found the lovely Elle Fowler's Gliterature's, check out her YouTube channel. Shes done a glitterature on 'The Treachery of Beautiful Things' and many more amazing books. I find most of my books from her and I've fallen in love with all of them!
Elle's YouTube Channel - Elles Glitter Gossip

Let me know your favourite MAC foundation for winter?
Have you read The Treachery of Beautiful Things?



  1. I really really really want the mac eyeshadow too, great product xxx

  2. It's amazing! I'm obsessed with it :) xox
